
4 Weeks of Group Coaching - Starts February 8, 2022
FEBRUARY 8, 15, 24, + MARCH 1
Mama if you are feeling exhausted, disconnected and emotionally reactive, desperate to reset, recharge and regulate your emotions then you don't want to miss the next 4 weeks of the Raising Mothers FREE weekly group coaching!
All you need is yourself annnnnddd maybe a cup of coffee! Can't wait to connect with you!
it's free! sign-up here

A Day of Transformation
July 18, 2021
9:30AM - 12:30PM | ORANGE COUNTY, CA
When was the last time you took time to reset, relax and rejuvenate so you could transform your mind, body and soul, allowing you to be the woman and mama you dream of being? You probably can’t think of a time, right? Girl you deserve that time... you NEED that time which is why I've created this type of day just for you. Join us!
You're invited to a day of transformation for your...
How transforming your thoughts will transform your parenting + your connection with your children.
Relax and reset with a guided yoga session Nicole Szymborski.
Journal exercise and connection with other mamas.
I wish I could go to an event every weekend! Highly recommend.
"My first Raising Mothers event was a morning of yoga and mommy talk. It truly was such a wonderful experience. Being a mama is hard, so to have this little morning break was just what I needed. Ashley made it such a warm and safe space to just talk motherhood and really ask what we needed to not only be the best mamas but be our best selves. I struggle with always yelling. She really helped me think in a different way with how to just really listen to my kids and talk before letting out my steam. Ashley has a way of calming you and just taking each moment slower and I took that with me after I left the event. I wish I could go to an event every weekend! Highly recommend."
—NICOLE, mama of 2